Flu Updates
Influenza Updates (1/12/18):
The flu season has hit hard with much of the nation, including GA at high ILI activity and widespread geographic dispersion. The predominant strain identified by positive influenza tests has been Influenza A, H3N2. Per CDC, the current seasons influenza vaccine is 30% effective for the circulating H3N2 strain.
As of November 2017, only approximately 40% of children and adults in the US had received an influenza vaccine (38.6% of persons 6 months of age and older, 38.8% of children 6 months to 17 years, and 38.5% of adults 18 and older) (Data Source: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/fluvaxview/nifs-estimates-nov2017.htm). It is not too late to get your flu shot! Influenza vaccine is still widely available at many locations including our Health Department clinics (https://www.gnrhealth.com/locations/).
As always, a focus on infection control including respiratory etiquette, hand washing, staying home when ill (including school/work exclusion policies) and influenza vaccination should be part of an Influenza prevention plan.