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Family Emergency Preparedness

Family Preparedness
The Other Guy’s Bad Luck
We are the luckiest people in the world because severe weather never affects us, only the other guy. To help that “Other Guy,” this article was written to prepare him to survive a weather emergency. You might find it interesting, too.
American’s live in the most severe-weather prone country. Each year a startling 10,000 thunderstorms, 2,500 floods, 1,000 tornadoes, and 10 hurricanes impact the United States. Potentially deadly, severe weather impacts every American.
Severe weather disasters can strike quickly and without warning. They can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services – water, gas, electricity, or telephones – were cut off?
Being prepared can help you cope with fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. The following steps are the minimum actions you should take to help safeguard you and your family:
- Be Informed. Find out what the threats are and the risk involved in your local area. Gather information to create a plan. Know how local authorities will warn you of a pending disaster. Learn about The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio and its alerting capabilities. Know your schools’ and works’ emergency plans.
- Make a Plan. With your family, discuss what you would do, when you would do it, and where you would go if you needed to evacuate. Also discuss what you would need if you had to shelter-in-place (stay where you are) during the emergency situation. Let a family member or friend be the contact point if you are separated from family and trying to reunite. Practice evacuating the home and meeting at a known point.
- Make a Kit. If you need to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take essentials with you, you probably will not have the opportunity to shop or search for the supplies you and your family will need. You need a smaller “Go Kit” for your car and a “Shelter Kit” if the disaster prevents you from leaving home. Some important items would be 3 days of water for each person, food, medicine, flash light, portable radio, and important papers. Don’t forget about items for your pets.
The likelihood that the “Other Guy” survives the weather disaster has been increased not because of Lady Luck, but by applying these 3 actions before severe weather arrives.
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