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Posted on February 5th, 2018

Day 1- Family Preparedness
Families should be prepared for any type of hazard that could affect their area. The best way to do this is to develop a family disaster plan.
The ReadyGa initiative can assist families and business to prepare for an all Hazards approach.
Visit ready.ga.gov or download the Ready Georgia mobile app today!
Day 2- Thunderstorms
Today’s Focus is on Thunderstorms. http://www.weather.gov/ffc/swaw_thunder
Day 3: Tornado Safety
All of Georgia is prone to tornadoes, as shown in this map depicting Georgia tornadoes from 1950-2014. The average number of days with reported tornadoes is 6 in Georgia. Tornadoes have been reported throughout the year, but are most likely to occur from March to May, with the peak in April.
Learn more here: http://www.weather.gov/ffc/swaw_tor
Day 4: Lightening Safety
When the Thunder Roars, Go Indoors!
Read more about lightening safety: http://www.weather.gov/ffc/swaw_ltg
Day 5: Flood Preparedness
Nearly half of all flood fatalities are vehicle related. Flooding is usually divided into two categories. These categories are flash flooding and river flooding. Both of these can cause death, injury, and property destruction.
Learn more here: http://www.weather.gov/ffc/swaw_flooding
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