Adolescent Health and Youth Development
Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP)
Our Mission : To support teens in their academic and social growth, promote positive school climate and culture, encourage respect for diversity and take a proactive role in nurturing students by providing them with the knowledge to make healthy choices through education, mentoring, recreation and skill building, understanding that all young people need support, guidance, and opportunities.
- Increase abstinence among adolescents.
- Reduce the incidence of first and repeat pregnancies among females.
- Reduce the incidence of substance abuse among adolescents.
- Increase school completion rates and reduce dropout rates.
- Reduce the incidence of tobacco use among adolescents.
- Increase the time adolescents spend in adult supervised activities.
Why is the program important?
AHYD programs and services provide a network of community-based support to help adolescents succeed as they move into adulthood by focusing on the “assets” of individual youth and their families. AHYD-sponsored programs reinforce positive attitudes, healthy behaviors and activities, and reduce risk-taking behaviors, such as violence, substance abuse, poor school performance and sexual activity.
Young people who succeed in school, refrain from drugs and alcohol, and avoid or delay pregnancy even in the face of adverse circumstances have a variety of characteristics, or developmental assets that help them attain success. These assets can be external, such as parental or other adult support and monitoring, a supportive faith community, and/or involvement in extracurricular activities. The assets can also be internal, such as a strong educational commitment, positive values, and strong social skills.
What does the AHYD program do?
- Community Partnership builds upon and expands existing community resources and health promotion opportunities through sponsorship of after school programs, teen resource centers, and summer camps, mentoring programs and other youth development activities.
- Male Involvement focuses on teen and young adult males who are at risk for becoming parents too early. The following risk behaviors, among males, are targeted: alcohol and substance abuse, premarital sex, statutory rape/sexual assault, delinquent behaviors and violence.
- Outreach and Case Management helps young people who need health services have accurate information and access. Experienced outreach workers identifies and assist these youth with enrolling in health care coverage, linking them to a medical home, and/or coordination with youth serving agencies for referrals and support services.
- Comprehensive Sex Education educating youth on both abstinence and contraception for the prevention of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), including HIV/AIDS.
- Comprehensive Adolescent Health Services work to improve the health status of teens by providing comprehensive services in accessible sites staffed by trained professionals. Services include preventive health education aimed at promoting responsible and healthy lifestyle behaviors.
- Family Involvement brings parents and guardians into youth development programs. Each funded teen center has an adult and a teen advisory committee. Youth who participate in AHYD programs, along with their parents, have a meaningful way to participate in planning and decision-making about program activities.