Naloxone for suspected opioid overdose
Get Immediate Help
Call Georgia Crisis & Access Line (GCAL).
Provides access to services and immediate crisis help.
Available 24 hours 7 days a week.
Request a Naloxone Emergency Kit Refill
Replenish the naloxone in your emergency kit.
*The above link is for refills only. Naloxone Emergency Kits are available while supplies last at select Gwinnett clinic locations and cannot be requested online.
Counteract the life-threatening effects of an opioid overdose with naloxone.
What is naloxone?
Naloxone HCI nasal spray counteracts the life-threatening effects of an opioid overdose. It was developed for first responders, as well as family, friends, and caregivers—with no medical training required. It is available without a prescription from a doctor and is covered by most insurance plans.
Get trained for free.
Get FREE naloxone training in Gwinnett –
Navigate Recovery offers training every Saturday of the month at 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Safe Harbor, 52 Gwinnett Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Call 678-743-1808 EXT 115 to register & ask any questions.
Sign up for training at Navigate Recovery
*The training classes above are currently only available for persons with substance use disorder, family & friends of someone with a substance use disorder. The naloxone available when training is complete is provided by Georgia Overdose Prevention, Inc. through a grant provided by Georgia DBHDD.
Get FREE naloxone training in Rockdale –
Rockdale Drug Free Community Coalition offers training on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Location: Rockdale County Accountability Court Lab 1147 West Ave, Conyers, GA. 30012
Click here to register.
*The training classes above are sponsored by the Rockdale Drug Free Community Coalition, GNR Public Health, and Georgia Overdose Prevention.
Visit one of our health centers.
We now offer naloxone kits in our health centers at no cost and no appointment necessary. Walk-in to ask for yours today. (Individuals must be 18 or older to receive naloxone from us.) Learn more.
Request free naloxone training for your group.
GNR Public Health can train your group on the use of naloxone. If you would like to request training, contact our Opioid Overdose Prevention Program Manager.
Unable to attend naloxone training?
If you are unable to attend a training session, see if you qualify for a FREE naloxone nasal spray rescue kit from Georgia Overdose Prevention.
See if you qualify for a FREE naloxone spray rescue kit
Find addiction Treatment Services
The Health Department does not offer addiction treatment services. Please visit findtreatment.gov.
Have a naloxone nasal spray story to share?
GNR Public Health is collecting stories from individuals who have used naloxone to save a life. (Note: Naloxone is the generic name for NARCAN®.)
We know we can impact the opioid epidemic by flooding our community with naloxone. We hope to use these stories as a way to encourage others to keep naloxone on hand. Every unique story is an example that may resonate with someone else who may not think they need naloxone.