- Preventive Health Clinic (TB Control) : 678.442.6880
- Epidemiology : 770.339.4260 (ask for EPI on Call)
- 1.866.PUB.HLTH (statewide disease reporting line)
- Food and Waterborne Illness Complaint Line : 770.339.4BUG
- After Hours Epidemiology Emergency Contact : 404.323.1910
Environmental Epidemiology
The Environmental Epidemiology Program at Gwinnett, Newton, and Rockdale County Health Department is a collaboration between the Environmental Health and Epidemiology Units.
Food and Water-borne Illness Complaint Line
The Environmental Epidemiology Program maintains the Food and Water-borne Illness Complaint Line, 770-339-4BUG, a hotline for consumers to report illness thought to be caused by an Environmental Health regulated facility. All callers are interviewed by an epidemiologist to determine if the complaint merits an Environmental Health inspection.
Outbreak Investigation
During an outbreak, Epidemiology and Environmental Health work together to answer the questions: who? what? when? and why? They work together to investigate the source of infection, determine the pathogen involved, calculate the extent of the outbreak, and recommend and/or implement control measures to stop the spread of disease.
Education and Support
The Environmental Epidemiologist also provides education and consultation as needed to the Environmental Health Unit staff and community partners.
- Preventive Health Clinic (TB Control) : 678.442.6880
- Epidemiology : 770.339.4260 (ask for EPI on Call)
- 1.866.PUB.HLTH (statewide disease reporting line)
- Food and Waterborne Illness Complaint Line : 770.339.4BUG
- After Hours Epidemiology Emergency Contact : 404.323.1910