- Preventive Health Clinic (TB Control) : 678.442.6880
- Epidemiology : 770.339.4260 (ask for EPI on Call)
- 1.866.PUB.HLTH (statewide disease reporting line)
- Food and Waterborne Illness Complaint Line : 770.339.4BUG
- After Hours Epidemiology Emergency Contact : 404.323.1910
Notifiable Disease Epidemiology
“The Georgia Department of Public Health, under the legal authority of OCGA 31-12-2 and with the approval of the Board of Human Resources, has designated certain diseases and conditions notifiable. The purpose of reportable disease surveillance is to :
- Identify in a timely way any diseases or conditions that may require immediate public health intervention and follow up
- Detect changing trends or patterns in disease occurrence
- Identify areas or communities that require special public health response as a result of changes in disease patterns
- Assess and evaluate control and prevention interventions
In Georgia, public health surveillance is conducted on more than 70 diseases and conditions. The data are collected by local and state health agencies who are responsible for analyzing, interpreting and disseminating the information to “those who need to know” for administrative, program planning, and decision making purposes. Georgia Department of Public Health
Notifiable Disease Reporting Poster
All Georgia physicians, laboratories and other health care providers are required by law to report patients with the following conditions to the Health Department. Both lab-confirmed and clinical diagnoses are reportable within the time intervals specified on the Notifiable Disease Reporting Poster. Reporting enables appropriate public health follow-up for your patients, helps identify outbreaks, and provides a better understanding of disease trends in Georgia.
Georgia Notifiable Disease Report Form
How to Report Diseases – Department of Public Health
- Phone ~ 770.339.4260, Ask to speak to the Epidemiologist on Call
- Fax ~ 770.339.5971 (secured and confidential fax line for disease reporting)
- On line through the State Electronic Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (SENDSS)
- You can also report a disease, outbreak, or other Public Health issue by calling 1.866.PUB.HLTH. All reports will be directed to the local Epidemiologist.
Helpful Links
- Infestations Due to Scabies, Bed Bugs, and Head Lice
- MRSA Information
- Rabies Transmission & Prevention
- GA Rabies Control Manual
- Preventive Health Clinic (TB Control) : 678.442.6880
- Epidemiology : 770.339.4260 (ask for EPI on Call)
- 1.866.PUB.HLTH (statewide disease reporting line)
- Food and Waterborne Illness Complaint Line : 770.339.4BUG
- After Hours Epidemiology Emergency Contact : 404.323.1910